About Us
Launched in 2018, Black Onyx Equestrian is the result of a long-standing horse obsession of mine. Growing up, I always dreamed of owning my very own horse. At 15 years of age I was lucky enough to begin part-loaning a little grey pony Angel. Sadly, I soon outgrew her so I moved onto loaning another gorgeous grey pony called Circus. There seemed to be a theme emerging as after many happy years with Circus, who taught me everything I needed to know about riding (mainly how to sit to a buck or two) I had the pleasure of owning my very first horse Lilly. She was of course, grey.
After a very upsetting and unfortunate field accident, she crossed the rainbow bridge. After some time I eventually stumbled across a little black foal from the RSPCA. She is now 5 years old and more than I could have ever asked for. With my little black pony in mind, I bring to you Black Onyx Equestrian. All of our products are designed with the rider in mind for comfortable, practical and stylish equestrian wear.
I hope you love the brand as much as I do.
I hope you love the brand as much as I do.
Lauren x